In my dream I saw last night,
I am the Granny of a lovely girl named Bright.
Bright and I were walking down the street.
There were scorching sun and so much heat.
Heaps of garbage and plastics everywhere,
Our faces covered, we walked through the polluted air.

Bright was tired and so was I,
Suddenly her eyes brightened as she jumped up high.
Excited, she said”Granny, what is that thing in that compound?
It’s green on the top with a brown stand
stuck to the ground”.
I said, “OH WOW !! THAT’S A TREE !!!
Someone has taken care and preserved it, see!
They give us shade, purify the air.
Beautiful flowers and sweet fruits they bear.”
Said Bright, “Its wonderful Granny, something new I see.

I rise from my sleep, feeling guilty as never,
With tears in my eyes I rush to my Mother.

Saying…”Oh Mother dear, this PLEDGE I take,
For my Little Grand Daughter’s sake.
I will care for Mother Nature the way I care for you.
Will plant more trees and stop using plastics too.
I will preserve Mother Nature for my Little Grand Daughter.
And ensure that she does too without a mutter.”🤨