A day at any Preschool in Electronic City is a confluence of Academics, activities, themes and Fun. At DPS Electronic City, the classrooms are ready for them as the teachers accompany them from the buses or the gate. They are invited to the classrooms with a smile and good morning wish which cheers the children.
Father we thank you for the Night.
And for the pleasant morning Light…..
The children start the day with a prayer which instills in the attitude of gratitude for the simple things in life. They also recite prayers which encourages them to be honest and just.
Assembly is an integral part of Preschool in DPS Electronic City. Along with special assemblies which are conducted to celebrate and observe National and regional festivals. Regular class assemblies are organized for every child to lead and take part in Public performances.
With this the teachers begin the circle time where conversations and dialogues with and between the children are encouraged. With Rhymes and actions songs, children are geared up for the day. This moment is also used to introduce and recap concepts and themes in relation to everyday life. 15 -20 minutes of such talks help children in their language development and in connecting with each other.
As a Leading Preschool in Electronic City Flashcards, 3 D models, Smartboards and a walk around the school with nature become tools which aid in the transfer and acquisition of knowledge. English language is introduced through phonetics, Jolly phonic rhymes. Reading story books and listening to books being read is followed religiously to inculcate the habit of reading at a very young age.
Abacus and worksheets become inherent part of teaching math and environmental concepts. Storytelling, Puppet shows and theatre plays by students and teachers at various intervals help in introducing and reinstating the concepts learned. Stories also aid in delivering impressions about good habits, values and behaviour’s that children should imbibe at a young age.
Once a month, the classroom is filled with children and teacher dressed in colour of the month. A day like this paves way to introduce the colour and the objects that are associated with the same.
Playdough and slate are provided to children during the free time to strengthen their fine motor skills. Simple everyday skills like napkin folding, sorting beads, shoe lacing, water play, sound box and sand play are activities which are cultivated during the daily activities. These become one with the academic session and Is introduced not as a separate concept, but as a life skill.
Art Is a part of any activity conducted. To stress on the creative skills, scrap book activities are conducted twice a month based on the themes selected and festivals celebrated. Drawing books are used so that academic concepts are recalibrated with the use of art.
Competitions and performances of handwriting, clay modelling, storytelling, dance and music are conducted at regular intervals to instill in the children a sportive spirit. A scene fair is conducted once a year where in children get an opportunity present their ideas to the parents. It is a sight to be experienced as children exude with confidence and thrill while answering the questions and clearing the parents doubts.
The 30-minute snack time around 10 O’clock refreshes and energizes as they eat healthy food. Teachers use these moments to inculcate hygiene habits, cleanliness and table manners. Children are also trained to eat using spoon and fork and at the same time the value of food.
Sports and yoga are part of the weekly Curriculum of The DPS Preschool In Electronic City. 2 Half hour sessions are conducted to develop the physical gross motor and Cognitive skills in children.
The children are observed daily, which aids in communicating about the academic and behavioural aspects of the child with the parents during meetings which are conducted by monthly. Our caring mentors work closely with parents and counsel them towards more meaningful bringing-up of their child even at home.
Thus at DPS Electronic City,
It is our constant endeavour to provide a holistic education that prepares our students from kindergarten through primary and secondary school for challenges that lie ahead.
We strive to provide a learning environment that fires the imagination, inspires the mind and kindles creativity.
We aim for an all-round development of children by providing them with an education that balances academics with cultural, emotional, physical and mental development.
The core areas of curriculum planning are varied procedures which focus on school readiness activities. Starting with development of motor skills, the children are mentored towards more complex ones like classification, seriation, creativity and aesthetic appreciation. As each child is unique and has his/her own preferred way by which he/she learns best, a conscious effort is made to work with different learning styles. Opportunities are created for children to use life-skills like logical thinking, reasoning and problem solving. Auditory, Visual and Kinesthetic activities are incorporated to create a more inclusive class where everyone has a chance to succeed.
Safety has always been a part of our system. With a transport tracking system, buses equipped with CCTV cameras, GPRS, speed governors and female attendants, female security guards at the school entrances, CCTV cameras installed in all the corridors and assembly areas , the school is a protected area for children.. Each class room is spaciously planned with child-safe furniture, child friendly wash rooms and RO purified water outlets. Each class has two teachers with two lady attenders and the students are always accompanied by teachers for all outdoor activity.
In kindergarten, children are assessed through regular observations which is a child-friendly way of assessing and evaluating young children. The purpose of assessment is judging the quality of learning of the child during the teaching learning process. It is a more an evaluation of the process than of a product.
We create a classroom environment wherein positive interactions are the norm. The teacher acknowledges and accepts diversity in terms of gender, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, academic and disciplinary needs. The classroom has well defined rules; these rules make the classroom more structured, knowable and consistent. Children are encouraged to follow rules of cleanliness, organization of materials, and common courtesies in public spaces and mutual respect for one another.
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