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Books – Our True Friend

Article contributed by Mrs. Archana Choudhary

Book is the best friend any man can have. They are our philosophers and guides. We should be very judicious while selecting books as we are in our choice of friends. Books have all the qualities and attributes we would need in a friend. Like a true friend they always stay close to us, so that we can read them and gain knowledge and make are lives better. But when we don’t need them, they go away into a silent corner of our room or shelf and do not disturb us.
We can read and re- read any part of a book whenever we like, or we might leave or skip any part of them if we are not in the mood. Like a true friend, they do not judge us but always allow us to judge them. We can give our opinion on books by appreciating or criticizing them, but they never comment on how we look, how we behave, or even how we treat them. They always remain true to their words even though they are torn and tattered. They give us our space, and never reject us, blame us or interfere in our lives. We do not need to be conscious of ourselves when we are with them. They are our mute friends who speak in a language which is well understood by our heart. They make us laugh, make us emotional, make us cry out of joy or sometimes out of deeply buried sorrow and like true friends they absorb our tears in their pages silently.

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